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Redis multi-open port-based implementation of redis multi-instance tutorials
Sometimes build in the construction of a number of the same site when found Redis share triggered data conflicts, then we can go through the Redis multi-open to solve this problem Based on the realization of multiple ports redis multiple instances: 1, open the panel to install redis and configure the use of the maximum memory, for example ...
Detailed tutorial on building a WordPress website with pagoda
The use of Pagoda users more and more, the use of cloud hosting friends, Pagoda has almost become a standard, the following simple station WordPress for you to write a Pagoda to build a WordPress website detailed tutorials, in the form of a graphic step by step to understand the building process. 1, the first step: Tim...
Pagoda New Java Project Deployment Tutorial
Functions are as follows: Support for one-click to start the Spring boot project. tomcat built-in project tomcat standalone project I. Introduction Spring boot project only requires a JDK environment can be deployed successfully Tomcat built-in project is required to install Tomcat in order to deploy successfully Tomcat standalone ...
Build hls live based on pagoda nginx install nginx-rtmp-module
The first step is to modify the /www/server/panel/install/ file and find the Install_Configure section. After each . /configure followed by the add module compilation statement: . /configure --add-module=/www/server/nginx_plus/nginx-r...
Pagoda Panel Happy Edition Enterprise Crack 8.2.0 + Pagoda Cloud Surveillance Panel One Click Installation Script
Pagoda Panel Happy Edition Enterprise Crack Installation Script Note: Public welfare projects, for personal testing only, do not use for commercial purposes Remove the Professional Edition, Enterprise Edition charges Linux Panel 9.1.0 Installation Script Centos Installation Script yum install -y wget && wget -O ...